“Use This Rejection-Proof ‘Raindrop Seduction Method’ To Get Your Woman To Happily Have Sex With You Every Time You Want…”

How often do you and your woman have amazing sex?
If you’re answer is, “not enough,” I have the ticket for you.
On this page you’re going to discover:
- The ONE Big Intimacy-Killing Mistake You Must AVOID. This is the reason why your wife/girlfriend blatantly rejects you for sex (94% of men are guilty of this…)
- 2 SECRETS About Female Desire Nobody Ever Explained To You. Each one reveals something about your woman that will come as a complete surprise. (The final secret is the most crucial for having more frequent and satisfying sex…)
- The simplest, and MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD to lead your woman to CRAVE sex with you — without BEGGING for sex or using sneaky, manipulative TRICKS to try to get her into bed. (Whether she’s your new girlfriend, your partner of 50 years, or anything in between.)
There’s a REAL REASON why she turns you down.
…which I’ll explain in just a minute.
And with the secrets I’m about to share in this page, you can make it so much easier (and so much more enjoyable) that your woman WILL say “YES” to sex with you.
And the more you use the ‘Raindrop Seduction Method,’ the stronger her sexual cravings will become.
If you ever asked yourself…
For HER To Ask ME For Sex?”

Or you’ve tried everything to get her to relax and let you woo her into bed… but she resists all of your advances, here’s what’s happening…
Women by nature love sex. It’s true. In fact, a turned-on woman will want sex far more than many people believe.
A study done in 2017 by the University of Southampton in the UK with over 11,000 men and women revealed that women are twice as likely to lose interest in sex with their partner than men. 1
And get this…
An Infidelity Statistic from 2018 revealed that around 50% of these “bored” women reported having sex with someone who was not their partner while married.2
The closeness and familiarity of relationships cause the problem. Usually within 2-3 years, and even as soon as 2-3 months, the new relationship energy that makes it so you can’t get enough of each other dissipates.

When she feels like you no longer transport her to amazing bedroom adventures — when it’s always the same “stick it in her” kind of sex every single time — she’s going to lose interest fast.
Which is why the most confusing thing is — when you finally get her to have sex, she absolutely LOVES it.
Why can’t she just want and crave it more often? Did you just get her in her “horny” moment? Why does she have to make it so hard to get her in bed?
The cold truth is…
She isn’t sleeping with you because you are not exciting her libido. That’s why she is either shutting you down or finding excitement elsewhere. She’s going out on her own. She’s flirting with guys at work. She’s chatting with an old fling on Facebook.
Every Night All Over The World…
I’ve heard variations on this theme over a thousand times…
Let’s call this guy, Steve.
When he and his wife Leanne had kids, their sex life started going down hill.
It was like Leanne’s body shut down from intimacy completely.
He had to BEG her for sex constantly. Most of the time? All he gets is a peck on the cheek and a hug.
Steve said the most crushing moment in his marriage was on a double date with their friends.
He was making sure he romanced Leanne. He knew date nights were important. He picked a new Italian place everyone was raving about.
Steve had wanted the date to be perfect. Good food and some wine. He figured if everything went as planned, Leanne would be “in the mood” when they get home.
Humiliating Night Of His Life.”
Steve brought up the topic of married sex life (hoping his friends would help him move Leanne into the zone). They took turns talking and making jokes. But Leanne’s response crushed Steve’s manhood into a dust.
Everyone looked down at their plates, suddenly fascinated by their caprese salads and lasagnes. Shame spread over Steve’s face. He couldn’t even swallow the ravioli that was lodged in his throat.
While Leanne didn’t say it out loud, it was obvious that they DID NOT have a good sex life. And she wasn’t bothered by it. In fact, she was laughing about it.
As for Steve? He was burning with humiliation.
Now their friends know they aren’t sleeping the same room anymore.
Now their friends know they are no longer getting intimate.
Now their friends know that…
At first he thought it was ONLY because of the snoring. It dawned on him that his wife didn’t want him for sex anymore.
That “date night” put Steve in a deep funk. Thoughts of being stuck in a sexless marriage for life plagued his imagination. He had tried everything he could think of to get Leanne to want him for sex. Nothing he tried was ever repeatable. She was a total mystery to him. Her embarrassing announcement was the last straw.
And to think when they first got married, they were crazy for each other. She would come over to his apartment and hop on top of him. She’s sext him boob pics. She wore LINGERIE. There used to be so much electricity between them they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.
And now he couldn’t believe it had come to this.
Then they are like deer in the headlights when she serves him divorce papers.
This does NOT have to be your story.
Let me tell you how Steve and all the other guys like him turn their sex lives back on. Here is how you can transform your soon-to-be dead, dry, sexless marriage into a steamy, erotic and juicy adventure.
But first, you must do something for me.
You have to wake up from the BIG MYTH about your woman’s desire that’s killing your chances of having a sexually-satisfying long-term relationship.
Everyone thinks that hormones are the be all and end all of libido. But they are not. As a matter of fact, a woman who is having a lot of sex with her husband can sail through menopause and the sex can just keep getting even better.
So if it’s not hormones? What is it? Why does your woman keep rejecting you?
No matter how much you beg, or do chores, or rub her feet, she still doesn’t want you in that velvety love cave. Why?

It’s because you’re no longer showing up as “The Man” she used to crave. And obviously date nights and romance are NOT what make her want you for sex.
You can get back to that hot, intimate relationship when you know how to seduce a woman the way her body wants.
And by seduce, I don’t mean tricks, manipulation or “say these words.”
I’m going to tell you exactly how in just a minute. But first I can prove to you that your woman STILL desires you, even if it doesn’t seem that way right now.
In fact, let me share with you 3 deep-level secrets about female desire. These will change the way you see your woman forever.
Your Woman Has A Sex Goddess Deep Inside Her — Just Longing To Come Out And Play…
The Raindrop Seduction Method gives her the experience of “feeling met” — that feeling where YOU are not guessing about what she desires. You just know what feeds and excites her desire from moment to moment.
The Raindrop Seduction Method fills her up emotionally and sensually with overflowing with feelings of respect, admiration, and attraction for you.
The Raindrop Seduction Method allows her body to slowly turn herself back on for you. Making her aware of how turned on she still is for you.
A Woman’s Desire Is Fluid
Filled with energy, excitement, and erotic lust. But now it’s reduced to barely a trickle.
Unlike men, who are usually ready for sex anytime, anywhere… she has a lot of things on her mind. And NONE of them is sex.
She’s bored, indifferent, and distracted. And like any normal human being, she’s stressed out on a daily basis.
You’ve got to learn how to turn on the faucet again, and get her gushing with warm, wet, and lustful attraction to you.
So what SHOULD you do?
Seduce Her Like She’s A Dude…

Doing her chores for her so she’s not too tired or stressed doesn’t work.
Begging her for sex doesn’t work.
DEMANDING your right to have sex… oh boy, THAT doesn’t work.
Waiting for HER to initiate sex. Still waiting…
Giving her flowers, candy, presents, taking her on dates doesn’t work. She comes home and says, “I’m too tired.”
Scheduling sex dates. NOPE.
WHY DON’T THESE tricks get you laid?
Because all these manly seduction techniques are assuming she’s already hot and ready for sex.
His Wife Or Girlfriend The Right Way?
And how can YOU do the same?
Steve had become hesitant. Afraid to ask for sex. He knew he would just be rejected again. But he wasn’t about to give up on his marriage and lose his kids.
He sought advice from his guy friends from work. They were in the same boat (when they admitted the truth.) He tried deconstructing romantic movies his wife watched, hoping to get a clue. He devoured books on seduction made for single guys.
The problem was…
The secrets and techniques he found were nothing new. He had tried them all before. And he knew they would fail.
After much hopeless searching, Steve discovered one of my articles on seduction where I explained what I’m telling you on this page… Things about women’s desire he’s never considered before.
He realized there was an entirely different way to seduce his woman, which led him to where you are now.
He took a leap of faith, read about the Raindrop Seduction Method, and quickly put it to use as soon as he could.
He tried it once and it worked for him. Without any weird transition phases. Without any roadblocks and misfires. Without any pushback from Leanne.
Everything clicked. Everything was easy.
Fix Your Sexless Relationship.”

I got my PhD studying female orgasms and the depths of pleasure women can experience. And during this time, I discovered that couples in long-term relationships were no longer having as much sex as they could and should.
How could women have intense orgasms with their lovers if they didn’t have sex?
That’s when I developed the Raindrop Seduction Method, to make it so much easier for men to seduce their women, and for women to embrace their incredible sexual potential.
And I’ve worked with hundreds of couples to respark intimacy in my workshops for more than 20 years.
I’ve partnered with Susan Bratton and Personal Life Media to take my easy, rejection-proof seduction method online.
Now any man, anywhere can use this method to get more sex….
To get back to and go far beyond the “new relationship energy” and passion you once had together.
So your lover can get a little more “nympho” in the bedroom while maintaining her “Madonna” to the outside world.
Your Woman To An Intense, Aroused State…
You need to lead her. Take her from being a calm, steady stream of water to a roaring ocean. Ready to consume you physically, emotionally, and sexually.
She already has the boundless fluid desire of a sex goddess inside her.
You just need to turn on the faucet.
gentle rain. Near-invisible waves of erotic influence.
It’s a consistent sprinkle of desire instead of a flash flood.
This seduction method feels so good, so natural, and so effortless for her…
She can’t help but surrender to you.
Each “raindrop” (tiny pieces of seduction, fun, sexiness, and romance) turns her on ever so slightly. Steadily building up her desire. Morphing her desire into erotic fantasy and lust.
Once you become like soft, gentle rain with the “Raindrop Seduction” method, her cup of desire will overflow and she will no longer be able to control her arousal.
A Raging Ocean Of Lust”
Well, once he understood how to use the “Raindrop Seduction” method to naturally move his wife to want and crave sex…
All the begging, pleading, and patience were no longer needed.
He could have sex with her as often as they both wanted.
She started wearing low-cut tops and showing off her bosom. She wants to turn him on even more now. It’s as if she wanted Steve to keep doing the Raindrop Seduction Method on her again and again.
Not only did Steve and Leanne fall in love again, they had a breakthrough in their sex life. It’s now more electric. More erotic. And more adventurous.
But Steve and Leanne aren’t my only successful clients. Here are a few more.

“I Could See Her Eyes Light Up.”
“When I invited her out and she declined, instead of giving up, I decided to opt for your Raindrop Seduction method and it worked like a charm! I could see her eyes light up — and I was impressed at the simplicity and beauty of it.”~ Tayo

“Thank You For Describing So Clearly What A Woman’s Pleasure Can Look Like”
“This is great! This is the first time I ever received such a clear description on giving a woman pleasure. And what that pleasure looks like! Thank You for you definitions and descriptions.”~ Victor

“Finally Making Love To My Wife Of 24 Years Again…”
“I have used the Raindrop Seduction method and last night I ventured so far as to gently pleasuring her for over 15 minutes without having any rejection or adverse comment but silent and loving acceptance of my actions. Thank you for instilling confidence in me.”~ Richard
“Raindrop Seduction” Method Works.
And I know how much you value your relationship with your lover. You’re not the kind of guy who would use slimy tricks on her just to get sex.
You’re a gentleman. You would rather take the moral high road because this is the woman you love. This may also be the mother of your children. You’re a man of integrity.
Seduction Trilogy
In Any Kind Of Relationship, For Any Type Of Woman”
You know, things she hates.
Instead, it’s all about leading your woman. To help her get in touch with her inner sex goddess. To express her desires in an open, healthy way.
You Will Be Getting Inside
The books and audios gives step-by-step instructions to execute the “Raindrop Seduction” method…
And create an intimate, exciting, and sexually-satisfying relationship with your wife or girlfriend.
I made everything easy-to-understand, and even easier to apply in real life.
I also made sure to create it as both digital eBooks and audios so you can learn both ways. LIsten first. Read first. Either way you’ll be doing what I call, “multi-modal intake.” The Raindrop Seduction Method will get baked into your bones so effortlessly, it will feel like you’ve been doing it forever.
The eBooks are written and arranged in an orderly manner, just the way you want them. And the audios are read by my friend, Sloane Fox, in a very sexy and interesting way. So you get motivated and pumped to use the Raindrop Seduction Method ASAP.
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, this technique is respectful to women, while being super insightful for men.
— Sex Life Strategies For Getting A “YES” Every Single Time ($100)

It’s so subtle, she won’t know your seducing her. She will just think you got fun and sexy again. Instead of pushing her away with aggressive advances for sex, the Raindrop Seduction Method gets her wet and slides her on to you.
— The Most Turn-On And Hottest Sex ($100)

Discover how to seduce a woman on all levels and have her perpetually gushing with waves and waves of erotic desire.
— Unlock Her Deepest, Most Intense Sexual Cravings ($100)

Remember, she’s bored with you now. Once you unlock her ravenous sexual appetite, you want to keep fueling her burning desires.
Teach your woman to share her deepest, darkest, most sexually-ravaging fantasies and desires with you. Empower her to ignite relentless lust deep inside her. Train her to LOVE being sexually open, adventurous, and ravenous with you.

“Seduction Trilogy Has Changed My Sex Life Tremendously!”
“Seduction Trilogy is a tremendous eye opener and is helping melt hearts at home as well as improving my relationships with all the women I come across (pun not intended). Thanks again to you!” ~ Andy

“I Can Confidently Seduce My Woman Now…”
“I already have bought Seduction Trilogy and find it very helpful indeed. I have in
fact used the Raindrop Seduction method to good effect with my lady.”~ Darrell
Even More Hopeful And Excited…
You see, each module is originally priced at $100 each.
And when you think about it, the Raindrop Seduction Method will totally revive your troubled sex life. It gives you a whole new explosion of life, love, and passion for lovemaking you and your woman have never had before.
The Raindrop Seduction Method alone is worth way more than the full price tag.
PLUS, this is exactly what I teach to real lovers when I did live, private workshops. And it cost $300 to attend and become a master at the Raindrop Seduction Method.
And it continues to save so many relationships even up to this day.
And we want to thank you for all the wonderful support.
That’s why for today, you can get the entire Seduction Trilogy program, the same program that turns you into a master at the Raindrop Seduction Method…
Not for $300… not for $200… but for a small, easy price of $97 ONLY.

“You Need To Get Seduction Trilogy!”
“A fascinating look that helps us understand why and how our sexual fantasies develop very early in our sexual and emotional development. This is a book you need to add to your library of relationship and sexuality information.” ~ Jim

“I No Longer Have To Ask For Sex!”
“Before, I’ve always struggled about what to do to get my woman to sleep with me. Now, SHE always takes my hand heading to her bed or wherever we are going to have sex. I never have to ask.”~ Matt
Risk-FREE, Seduce Your Woman, And Enjoy…
With my 100% 30-day money-back guarantee, you can test drive Seduction Trilogy as much as you want for 30 days.
Go through all 3 of the volumes. Listen to all three audiobooks. Then try out the entire system.
I’m so confident that this will work for you, that’s why I want you to let me know your sex life revival story when it happens.
However, if you’re not satisfied with how dramatically your sex life changes after putting Seduction Trilogy to use, then just send me an email within 30 days and I’ll send you all your money back.

“You Perform Sexual Magic!”
“Dr. Patricia Taylor performs sexual magic, transforming the seemingly difficult into the easily-doable. She guides you lovingly from the simple to the profound.” ~ Charla Hathaway, founder, Austin’s BodyJoy Intimacy School

“The Real Deal!”
“Dr. Patti is a one-of-a-kind, a trailblazer, in an area which is as poorly understood as parts of the ancient world. She is an expert guide and the real deal, investigating the interplay of sexuality and the human heart and spirit. Lead on!” ~ Bill Lamond, founding member, Personal Coaching Profession

And you have to admit, it’s the one that feels right for your right now.
This choice will lead to a more intimate, passionate relationship with the love of your life. To more erotic encounters that feel as natural as breathing. To bringing your sex life back to the “Honeymoon Phase” for good.
With Seduction Trilogy, you’ll have a step-by-step guide where I show you how to use the Raindrop Seduction Method on your woman. And to do it in a way both of you will absolutely enjoy.
You won’t need confidence to pull it off. You can apply it immediately and you’ll just get better and better at it. You will get INSTANT positive feedback from your lady… Any guy will do wonders with this method.
I’ve always called it a “dance” of desire. And it’s as fun, exciting, and as enjoyable for you as it sounds.
Because if you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you know I always over deliver on my promises.
And with Seduction Trilogy, it’s no different.
Your woman deserves to become the sexual goddess she was born to be. And today, it’s your responsibility as her masculine sexual leader to make it happen for her.
In fact, she will love it the moment you start doing the “Raindrop Seduction” method.
She will love it when you empower her to express her desires.
She will THANK YOU.
You Get The Seduction Trilogy…
No more having to trick or bribe your woman into bed. Forget the crazy, expensive gifts and vacations.
Your sexual goddess of a lover will meet you and match your desire for her.
You’re both sneaking out of parties and social events just to “get it on.”
Even at work, you fantasize about what you’re going to do to each other.
And each time your skin touches hers, sparks fly just like before. Except this time, the feeling is more intense and vivid.
Sex will no longer be a special occasion that you enjoy once every few months. It can be a weekly adventure. A nightly escapade.
She’s become a bit more adventurous, daring, and even “naughty” in the bedroom.
Your beautiful, warm, loving sex goddess will be trying on the sexiest, skimpiest clothes to tease and please you.
She’ll drop hints of arousal even when you’re in public, telling you in subtle ways that she can’t wait to rip your clothes off when you get home.
She’ll meet you at the door wearing the lingerie so sexy it may be illegal in some states. She’ll offer to get a babysitter so you two can have some sweet and sexy time alone with each other.
You’ll be slipping and sliding under the covers in the morning, and she’ll go down on you without you having to ask her.
This will be the renaissance of your relationship. You’re more in love now than you ever were before. Even more than when you first got together. You’ll both have that twinkle in your eyes that none of your married friends have.
It’s only a matter of time before your sex life changes completely. You’ll forget what it’s like to NOT have frequent, exciting, and piping hot sex with your woman.
All this can happen as soon as you make the decision to get Seduction Trilogy.
So what’s your next move?
Are you ready for as much steamy, hot sex as you can handle?
You’re seconds away from making it a reality, sweetie.
All you have to do right now is click the button below to make it happen.
Immediately after you get Seduction Trilogy, I want you to go to the Personal Life Media member’s area, download the first book, Seduce Her Tonight — Sex Life Strategies For Getting A “YES” Every Single Time.
This module will build the foundation of the “Raindrop Seduction” method.
As soon as you do that, everything will fall into place perfectly. Everything will start to make sense to you. And your eyes will be opened to see her liquid desire.
It’s like seeing what’s behind the curtain for the very first time.
You will become a master seducer starting tonight.
By now, you already know what to do. You know this is the choice you want to make. And you’re excited to get started.
Dr. Patti

P.P.S. Your privacy is guaranteed. If you need to make this a private transaction, just email us and we’ll process your order however you want. Some men share credit cards with their wife, and there’s no need to let her know you’re doing the Raindrop Seduction Method on her.
She needs you to DO this for her, but she doesn’t need to know HOW you learned to do it.
The charge on your credit card statement will say it’s from, “Personal Life Media.” There will be nothing about this subject matter in your financial records. Nothing arrives in the mail — you access everything on the private membership website.
P.P.P.S. We’re easy to get in touch with. Just email our customer care team at [email protected] or call 650 948-0500 or in the US 866-731-9919. One of our charming customer care team members will take care of you. They’ve all been with the company for years. We are a professional family business, with a big heart.
And we will always keep a fresh copy with lifetime updates in your Member’s Area. If you lose your logins, just email us. And you can download unlimited copies to all your devices forever. They are .pdf’s and .mp3 audio files.