“Discover The Simplest, Most Effective Way To Lead Your Woman To An Intense, Aroused State…”

In Any Kind Of Relationship, For Any Type Of Woman”
You know, things she hates.
Instead, it’s all about leading your woman. To help her get in touch with her inner sex goddess. To express her desires in an open, healthy way.
You Will Be Getting Inside
The books and audios gives step-by-step instructions to execute the “Raindrop Seduction” method…
And create an intimate, exciting, and sexually-satisfying relationship with your wife or girlfriend.
I made everything easy-to-understand, and even easier to apply in real life.
I also made sure to create it as both digital eBooks and audios so you can learn both ways. LIsten first. Read first. Either way you’ll be doing what I call, “multi-modal intake.” The Raindrop Seduction Method will get baked into your bones so effortlessly, it will feel like you’ve been doing it forever.
The eBooks are written and arranged in an orderly manner, just the way you want them. And the audios are read by my friend, Sloane Fox, in a very sexy and interesting way. So you get motivated and pumped to use the Raindrop Seduction Method ASAP.
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, this technique is respectful to women, while being super insightful for men.
— Sex Life Strategies For Getting A “YES” Every Single Time ($100)

It’s so subtle, she won’t know your seducing her. She will just think you got fun and sexy again. Instead of pushing her away with aggressive advances for sex, the Raindrop Seduction Method gets her wet and slides her on to you.
— The Most Turn-On And Hottest Sex ($100)

Discover how to seduce a woman on all levels and have her perpetually gushing with waves and waves of erotic desire.
— Unlock Her Deepest, Most Intense Sexual Cravings ($100)

Remember, she’s bored with you now. Once you unlock her ravenous sexual appetite, you want to keep fueling her burning desires.
Teach your woman to share her deepest, darkest, most sexually-ravaging fantasies and desires with you. Empower her to ignite relentless lust deep inside her. Train her to LOVE being sexually open, adventurous, and ravenous with you.
Even More Hopeful And Excited…
You see, each module is originally priced at $97 each.
And when you think about it, the Raindrop Seduction Method will totally revive your troubled sex life. It gives you a whole new explosion of life, love, and passion for lovemaking you and your woman have never had before.
The Raindrop Seduction Method alone is worth way more than the full price tag of $297.
PLUS, this is exactly what I teach to real lovers when I did live, private workshops. And it cost $300 to attend and become a master at the Raindrop Seduction Method.
And it continues to save so many relationships even up to this day.
And we want to thank you for all the wonderful support.
That’s why for today, you can get the entire Seduction Trilogy program, the same program that turns you into a master at the Raindrop Seduction Method…
Not for $300… not for $200… but for a small, easy price of $97 ONLY.

“Seduction Trilogy Has Changed My Sex Life Tremendously!”
“Seduction Trilogy is a tremendous eye opener and is helping melt hearts at home as well as improving my relationships with all the women I come across (pun not intended). Thanks again to you!” ~ Andy

“I Can Confidently Seduce My Woman Now…”
“I already have bought Seduction Trilogy and find it very helpful indeed. I have in
fact used the Raindrop Seduction method to good effect with my lady.”~ Darrell

“You Need To Get Seduction Trilogy!”
“A fascinating look that helps us understand why and how our sexual fantasies develop very early in our sexual and emotional development. This is a book you need to add to your library of relationship and sexuality information.” ~ Jim

“I No Longer Have To Ask For Sex!”
“Before, I’ve always struggled about what to do to get my woman to sleep with me. Now, SHE always takes my hand heading to her bed or wherever we are going to have sex. I never have to ask.”~ Matt

30-Days Risk-FREE, Seduce Your Woman, And Enjoy…
With my 100% 30-day money-back guarantee, you can test drive Seduction Trilogy as much as you want for 30 days.
Go through all 3 of the volumes. Listen to all three audiobooks. Then try out the entire system.
I’m so confident that this will work for you, that’s why I want you to let me know your sex life revival story when it happens.
However, if you’re not satisfied with how dramatically your sex life changes after putting Seduction Trilogy to use, then just send me an email within 30 days and I’ll send you all your money back.

“You Perform Sexual Magic!”
“Dr. Patricia Taylor performs sexual magic, transforming the seemingly difficult into the easily-doable. She guides you lovingly from the simple to the profound.” ~ Charla Hathaway, founder, Austin’s BodyJoy Intimacy School

“The Real Deal!”
“Dr. Patti is a one-of-a-kind, a trailblazer, in an area which is as poorly understood as parts of the ancient world. She is an expert guide and the real deal, investigating the interplay of sexuality and the human heart and spirit. Lead on!” ~ Bill Lamond, founding member, Personal Coaching Profession

“I Could See Her Eyes Light Up.”
“When I invited her out and she declined, instead of giving up, I decided to opt for your Raindrop Seduction method and it worked like a charm! I could see her eyes light up — and I was impressed at the simplicity and beauty of it.”~ Tayo

“Thank You For Describing So Clearly What A Woman’s Pleasure Can Look Like”
“This is great! This is the first time I ever received such a clear description on giving a woman pleasure. And what that pleasure looks like! Thank You for you definitions and descriptions.”~ Victor

“Finally Making Love To My Wife Of 24 Years Again…”
“I have used the Raindrop Seduction method and last night I ventured so far as to gently pleasuring her for over 15 minutes without having any rejection or adverse comment but silent and loving acceptance of my actions. Thank you for instilling confidence in me.”~ Richard