“She Will Say ‘YES!’ Tonight”
When You Create a Sensual Scenario
So Perfect For Her
She Thinks You READ HER MIND
Ready to take an OK relationship to NEW LEVELS OF PASSION, surrender, intimacy and exploration? You will.

Yes, you will!

When you use the concepts of arousal and seduction, you will “right size”
 your offers to get excited, turned-on “yeses” 
from your lover. . .

. . . even if she’s a shut down,
 frustrated woman who won’t even tolerate you
 bringing up the subject of sex.

Now you will get her into the mode of turning herself on, so she can be your smokin’ hot, juicy sex goddess.

You get all three eBooks and audio books in the Seduction Trilogy.

Take her hand and move her, beautifully, kindly, with heart and soul, into the sensual passion that is every woman and man’s birthright.
Fill your nights with hours of pleasure.

Don’t put off your deepest fulfillment. You deserve to experience your incredible sexual potential and help your lover achieve hers.

She’ll be forever grateful that you learned these skills that allow her to feel her turn-on and experience all she has to enjoy, sexually, sensually, intimately and pleasurably.

We care about YOU. We want your fulfillment, your pleasure, your happiness and believe in your ability to have great, voluptuous, melting, hot sex together.

Give it a try. And let us show you. We’d love to.

The Insider’s Club Special Offer
THIS moment in time is the next evolution in your sexual experience.

With just a little sexual training of the right kind, couples vastly improve their ability to work through challenges and move beyond differences to pure, decadent sensual pleasure!

As part of your exclusive Insider’s Club access, get full access to the Seduction Trilogy with 3 eBooks and sexy companion audio books for $97 instead of $291.

The Seduction Trilogy will be specially priced for Adam Gilad’s customers only.

Normally, each ebook + audio book retails for $97 a set. That’s $291 for all three ebooks and all three audiobooks. Right now, you get the entire series and save $194!

That’s a 67% discount for INSIDER’S ONLY.

Plus, after you purchase, you have the option of adding Expand Her Orgasm Tonight to your cart for an additional $97. Retail is $297 for lifetime access. Save $394 during this Insider’s Club event.

Expand Her Orgasm Tonight (EHOT) is a membership site with audio, video, eBooks and a forum where you can learn to give her genital stroking that holds her in extended, multiple orgasmic experiences.

Have you heard of the ’30-Minute Orgasm?

This is equally great for women who have difficulty orgasming AND for women who LOVE TO COME AND COME, as well as for men who like to use their HANDS in lovemaking to give her expanded pleasure.

Lifetime access to EHOT and the Seduction Trilogy costs $588.

Right NOW, you can get a lifetime buyout to BOTH for $194.

The EHOT monthly fees are waived forever. There are NO incremental charges, ever! And you receive all the updates I add to the membership site.

But only if you purchase through this link today. Don’t kick yourself for thinking you don’t deserve all the great sex you want. This offer found its way to you. You deserve the chance to try this and see that it will work, exactly as we show you.

  • Seduce Her Tonight: Sex Life Strategies for Getting to Yes
  • Seduction Accelerator: The Most Turn-On and Hottest Sex
  • Her Sexual Trainer: Unlock Her Most Intense Sensual Responses
Arousal starts in her head and when she’s sparked by the loving, non-manipulative skill of a Sexual Genius she transforms into a truly turned-on woman who feels sexually, emotionally and energetically alive everywhere, all at once.

Soon your woman will be prancing around the house in sexy lingerie trying to get YOU to have sex with HER!

You use this pleasurable strategy to give her the romance she hungers for and you the MIND-BLOWING SEX you crave.

Seduce Her Tonight Detailed Information:
eBook 1 Seduce Her Tonight: Sex Life Strategies for Getting to YES
Achieve a whole new level of sexuality….learn seduction techniques to which EVERY woman responds….

This book is about you – about how you can get her turned on (tonight!), how to get her to authentically crave, admire, and desire you. Whether you’re seeking a woman, courting her, or already in relationship.

Audio Book 1 Seduce Her Tonight:
This sexy reading of Seduce Her Tonight will turn you on while you are learning techniques that will change your life.
  • The secret to the heart of seduction is your ability to put all of your well-placed attention on the woman you want to turn-on.
  • You will create a “String of Yeses” for your partner to follow that walk her toward ever-increasing pleasure and turn-on.
  • Through your presence, awareness, and positive attention on her, you possess a magical skill, called “Erotic Vigilance,” that is nothing less than a powerful prerequisite to total turn-on.
  • You will be her “hybrid guy”—the perfect (tasty) blend of bad boy and nice guy.
You take her arousal energy to ‘neutral first,’ then help her evolve it to turn-on energy by offering her experiences she enthusiastically desires.

When going for maximum turn-on, you’ll become “erotically vigilant” and in one way or another, and she’ll be turned on 24 hours a day.

You’ll be amazed and delighted at how much you both will like this reward system.

eBook 2 Seduction Accelerator: The Most Turn-On and Hottest Sex
his book is about your relationships with all women, and focuses on your relationship with your sensual partner.

You will discover the third and fourth Seduction Keys: “Vulnerability” and “Sexual Vision.”

Review a list of “feelings” and choose those that apply to you so you can effectively communicate YOUR NEEDS to her in a safe way. This vulnerability melts her heart and opens her to connecting intimately with you.

Begin to hold the “vision” of your sexual experiences together. What will you do? How will you lead the way?

The skill of “Vision” will open her to new levels of eroticism with you.

Audio Book 2 Seduction Accelerator: The Most Turn-On and Hottest Sex
You now make winning sexual requests and offers extensively.
  • You accelerated your ability to be erotically masterful—to master the attitudes, knowledge, and skills of seduction.
  • You use seduction to turn up the heat in both new and ongoing relationships.
  • You apply the Keys of Seduction (creating a String of Yeses and Erotic Vigilance) by becoming a more proficient “noticer” of your partner’s current state and all those wonderful ways she expresses (gives you feedback on) where she’s currently at, and what she desires.
  • You learned the two new Accelerator Keys—Vulnerability and Vision.
The Accelerator Key of Vulnerability clues you into something of profound meaning and importance to her: The inner you.

When you let yourself be known in a non-defensive way (removed from the performance-driven promptings of your ego, and focused on your mutual pleasure), she becomes willing to connect with you in a full-being, intimate, and very turned-on way.

The Accelerator Key of Vision grants you the capability of seeing/ feeling/ grasping the big picture and using what you notice using the Key of Erotic Vigilance to create a compelling String of Yeses that she can follow—willingly and eagerly—into turn-on and rapture.

You discovered that Vigilance can be about so much more than just creating a string of pleasurable offers for your partner to accept.

It’s about having the vision to choose the right thing to do next, be it making offers (leading to that magical “string of yeses”), sharing acknowledgments, giving empathy, dealing with an issue, moving to sensuality, noticing where the momentum is going, expressing gratitude, or making new and better suggestions whenever your other offers aren’t being eagerly snapped up.

eBook 3 Her Sexual Trainer: Unlock Her Most Intense Sensual Responses
This book will show you – step by step – how to get her to genuinely enjoy the most outrageous sexual adventures with you.
  • You’ll discover how to train her sexually both without her noticing that you’re doing it, or with her overt and enthusiastic agreement – thus initiating a sexual training program together.
  • You will appreciate a massive increase in erotic experiences using “Sandbox Dates.”
  • She will begin to reveal her innermost fantasies.
Audio Book 3 Her Sexual Trainer: Unlock Her Most Intense Sensual Responses
Why is this book that every woman hopes you will read before your next erotic encounter?
  • You’ll learn how to recognize what she wants sexually.
  • You will discover how to communicate openly and honestly about what pleases her – and you – sexually.
  • You’ll understand how to get her to delightfully open her vast sexual treasure-trove to you. You’ll do this by mastering the art of encouraging her to reveal her deepest, most secret sexual fantasies and desires, so that they may become a reality.
  • You’ll discover how to train her sexually both without her noticing that you’re doing it (when that’s appropriate), or with her overt and enthusiastic agreement – thus initiating a sexual training program together.
Are you ready to dive into hot, meltdown sex – more and better than you ever dared hope for?

Sexual training is where it’s at.


Access Everything Immediately,
for $291.00 $97.00

Try it Out, Then Decide

I know this system is going to make easy for you to quickly grasp the delicate process of seduction. Your order is backed by my 60-Day, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

I’m confident about my knowledge, the strength of the writing, the sheer quality of the content and the ability for the Seduction Trilogy to convey to you the techniques that will make you a Seduction Master.

This is the same information I have successfully taught my clients for years that would, depending on where you live, cost $300 dollars for a private session. You can have a lifetime of great sex all for less than the cost of one single night of hotel sex (and I promise, the quality and quantity of your sexual connections will skyrocket ;))

So go ahead, click on the big orange button below, and place your order now to immediately access the 3 eBooks and 3 audio books. Get started! This is simply the most easy system ever made to show you how to seduce your gal and have her go crazy for you!

Wishing you a huge amount of satisfaction from this new “talent.” Let me know how you did and send me a testimonial so I can feature your amazing story on this page!

All the Best,

Patti Taylor
uthor, “Expand Her Orgasm Tonight,”
“Expanded Orgasm” and the “Seduction Trilogy.”

Note: The whole Trilogy can be immediately and fully accessed via your computer and enjoyed in the privacy of your home. You can read the ebooks and listen to the audio right on your computer, you can print the eBooks to your home printer, drag the eBooks onto your Kindle (the eBooks are .pdf files) or read them with your iPhone – just get a “.pdf reader” from the Apps Store.

And Further More…

P.S. When you purchase the Seduction Trilogy your privacy is guaranteed. The charge on your credit card statement will say it’s for “ClickBank” There will be nothing about this subject matter in your financial records. And any time within 60 Days, If you decide to return it for any reason, simply call us at 650 948-0500 (real people answer!) or email us at [email protected] and your refund will be promptly processed. We want you to be 100% satisfied!

P.P.S. I am only interested in creating life-long customer relationships with men just like you, who are using my product and producing GREAT results! Get this system, follow the simple step-by-step instructions, and then email me and let me how well you’re doing. I truly mean it. I haven’t met you (yet) though I really care about your success. So please email me and prove to yourself that your future sexual satisfaction is worth this small investment.

P.P.P.S. Still not convinced you need this course? Let me give you one more reason why I think the Seduction Trilogy is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for anyone serious about getting what you want from your life and why this is such a dynamite program. If you are not using this system to increase your sensual pleasure, what will YOU be missing out on, losing out on in your life right now? What is it really costing you in your life NOT to have the pleasure, intimacy, feelings of power and sensual abundance you know you should have?